, Malam ini saya akan coba berbagi tentang cara mencari teman facebook tetapi teman tersebut memiliki kriteria yang kita inginkan. Misalnya kita akan mencari teman facebook tertarget berdasarkan tempat tinggal, atau berdasarkan tanggal kelahiranya. Kita juga bisa mengetahui teman facebook berdasarkan kesukaan atau interest.
Cara ini sangat berguna ketika anda adalah seorang pelaku bisnis atau seorang internet marketing. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama facebook adalah situs jejaring sosial yang sangat besar, pengguna di indonesia luar biasa banyak, Dengan kondisi seperti ini tentunya facebook dapat kita jadikan sarana marketing produk produk online kita.
Dengan menambahkan teman facebook tertarget sebanyak mungkin, kemudian melakukan soft atau hard campaign tentunya adalah langkah yang baik dalam membangun branding bisnis kita ataupun menaikan penjualan produk kita, akan tetapi alangkah lebih baik teman teman yang kita tambahkan adalah target pasar kita.
Misalnya kita akan menjual cireng dengan brand cireng cihuy ,teman teman tau kan yang namanya cireng ? , kalau ngga tau tanya aja ke +Google Search :).
Misalnya ; kira kira target pasar kita adalah
1. Wanita
2. Usia 30 thn sampai dengan 40 thn ;catt : semua usia pastinya suka cireng ; tapi yang mungkin beli cireng online diperkirakan usianya 30 sd 40 Tahun.....ketangkep ??!!
3. Wanita usia 30 sampai 40 tahun ini juga harus sudah pernah makan cireng ditempat penjualan cireng lain, ( ini sebagai klarifikasi bahwa wanita ini adalah penggemar cireng BERAT)
maka jika kita berjualan cireng cihuy, kemudian berteman dengan orang yang kriterianya seperti di atas akan menambah peluang pembelian kalau kita tawarkan cireng cihuy kita,ya lahhh ... daripada berteman dengan orang yang aneh aneh... yang isinya nggoosiipp....(upz ... jangan su udzon ya)
Trus bagaimana mencari teman seperti ini, Tentunya anda harus punya account facebook dulu, sebagai awalan jangan langsung pake photo profil cireng, pakailah photo kita sendiri... so siapkan foto yang paling ganteng atau paling cantik yang kita miliki.
Kemudian terlebih dahulu kita setting fb kita agar berbahasa inggris, lihat gambar dibawah :
Cara ini sangat berguna ketika anda adalah seorang pelaku bisnis atau seorang internet marketing. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama facebook adalah situs jejaring sosial yang sangat besar, pengguna di indonesia luar biasa banyak, Dengan kondisi seperti ini tentunya facebook dapat kita jadikan sarana marketing produk produk online kita.
Dengan menambahkan teman facebook tertarget sebanyak mungkin, kemudian melakukan soft atau hard campaign tentunya adalah langkah yang baik dalam membangun branding bisnis kita ataupun menaikan penjualan produk kita, akan tetapi alangkah lebih baik teman teman yang kita tambahkan adalah target pasar kita.
Misalnya kita akan menjual cireng dengan brand cireng cihuy ,teman teman tau kan yang namanya cireng ? , kalau ngga tau tanya aja ke +Google Search :).
Misalnya ; kira kira target pasar kita adalah
1. Wanita
2. Usia 30 thn sampai dengan 40 thn ;catt : semua usia pastinya suka cireng ; tapi yang mungkin beli cireng online diperkirakan usianya 30 sd 40 Tahun.....ketangkep ??!!
3. Wanita usia 30 sampai 40 tahun ini juga harus sudah pernah makan cireng ditempat penjualan cireng lain, ( ini sebagai klarifikasi bahwa wanita ini adalah penggemar cireng BERAT)
maka jika kita berjualan cireng cihuy, kemudian berteman dengan orang yang kriterianya seperti di atas akan menambah peluang pembelian kalau kita tawarkan cireng cihuy kita,ya lahhh ... daripada berteman dengan orang yang aneh aneh... yang isinya nggoosiipp....(upz ... jangan su udzon ya)
Trus bagaimana mencari teman seperti ini, Tentunya anda harus punya account facebook dulu, sebagai awalan jangan langsung pake photo profil cireng, pakailah photo kita sendiri... so siapkan foto yang paling ganteng atau paling cantik yang kita miliki.
Kemudian terlebih dahulu kita setting fb kita agar berbahasa inggris, lihat gambar dibawah :
pilih yang bahasa inggris ya, karena query ini hanya support berbahasa inggris saja, ( Padahalmah usul ameh bisa ku bahasa Cimahi ), setelah setting selesai maka kita dapat menggunakan query pencarian.
misal : mencari orang yang bukan teman kita, tetapi dia suka kepada page bisnis cireng. Maka ketikan :
" people who are not my friends and like cireng "
Dari suggest FB ternyata ada kompetitor juga yaitu cireng bento, cireng crispy dan Istana Cireng.
Kalau target kita hanya wanita, maka query "people" bisa diganti dengan "woman"
Kalau ingin usianya 30 tahun saja maka bisa ditambahkan seperti ini
"people who are not my friends and like cireng kodjo and are 30 years old"
dengan queri ini, akan ada list orang orang yang bukan teman kita, menyukai cireng kojo dan dia berumur 30 tahun.
Gimana... ide nya ketangkep kan ? kita bisa berkreasi dengan kueri creative. :)
Saya juga sertakan list query yang bisa menjadi ide awal : (x-city/state diganti dengan kota)
Cara mendapatkan informasi perusahaan melalui facebook
Find Businesses / Services
Find Medical Services:
- dentist offices in x-city/state
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- dermatology clinics near x-city/state
- dermatology clinics in x-city/state
- dermatology clinics near x-location
- skin care places near x-city/state
- skin care places in x-city/state
Cara mencari perusahaan jasa melalui facebook
Find Home Services:
- landscaping places near x-city/state
- landscaping places in x-city/state
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Menemukan tempat dalam sebuah kota melalui facebook
Find Places to Live:
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Find Art:
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- art galleries in x-city/state
- art galleries near x-location
Find Businesses / Places:
- places in x-city
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- places that people who work at x visited
- places that people who work at x and like x visited
- places that people who work at x and live in x visited
Cara Menemukan Tempat hiburan yang disukai oleh teman facebook
Discover Entertainment
Find Movies:
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- movies liked by people who live in x-city/state and like x
- movies liked by people who live in x-city/state and work at x
- movies liked by people who live in x-city/state and go to x-school
- movies liked by people who live in x-city/state and visited x
- movies liked by people who live in x-city/state and visited x-city/state
- movies liked by people who work at x and live in x-city/state
- movies liked by people who work at x and go to x-school
- movies liked by people who work at x and like x
- movies liked by people who work at x and visited x
- movies liked by people who work at x and visited x-city/state
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- movies liked by people who like x and visited x-city/state
- movies liked by people who visited x and live in x-city/state
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- movies liked by people who visited x and visited x
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- movies liked by people who visited x-city/state and like x
- movies liked by people who visited x-city/state and visited x
- movies liked by people who visited x-city/state and visited x-city/state
Jika yang dicari adalah berdasarkan kesukaan terhadap musik, cara pencarianya sebagai beikut :
Find Music:
Find Music:
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- music liked by people who live in x-city/state and like x
- music liked by people who live in x-city/state and work at x
- music liked by people who live in x-city/state and go to x-school
- music liked by people who live in x-city/state and visited x
- music liked by people who live in x-city/state and visited x-city/state
- music liked by people who work at x and live in x-city/state
- music liked by people who work at x and go to x-school
- music liked by people who work at x and like x
- music liked by people who work at x and visited x
- music liked by people who work at x and visited x-city/state
- music liked by people who like x and live in x-city/state
- music liked by people who like x and work at x
- music liked by people who like x and go to x-school
- music liked by people who like x and visited x
- music liked by people who like x and visited x-city/state
- music liked by people who visited x and live in x-city/state
- music liked by people who visited x and work at x
- music liked by people who visited x and go to x-school
- music liked by people who visited x and like x
- music liked by people who visited x and visited x
- music liked by people who visited x and visited x-city/state
- music liked by people who visited x-city/state and live in x-city/state
- music liked by people who visited x-city/state and work at x
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- music liked by people who visited x-city/state and like x
- music liked by people who visited x-city/state and visited x
- music liked by people who visited x-city/state and visited x-city/state
Mau cari tempat makan, bisa kita tuliskan seperti ini
Find Restaurants
Find some place to eat:
- restaurants in x-city/state
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Find American Restaurants / Burgers / Coffee / BBQ:
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- barbecue restaurants near x-city/state
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Find Asian / Indian Food:
- asian restaurants in x-city/state
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Find European / Mediterranen Cuisine:
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Find Tacos and Mexican Food:
- mexican restaurants in x-city/state
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Find Other Ethnic Restaurants:
- ethiopian restaurants in x-city/state
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- pakistani restaurants near x-location
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- persian restaurants near x-city/state
- persian restaurants near x-location
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Cara Mencari Teman Facebook berdasarkan tempat kerja nya
Find People by where they work:
- people who work at x
- friends of people who work at x
- people who work with me at x
Cara Mencari Teman Facebook berdasarkan Kesukaan nya
Find People by Pages they like:
- people who like x and x
- people who like x and visited x
- people who like x and visited x-city/state
Cara Mencari Teman Facebook berdasarkan tetapi bukan teman kita
Find People You Don’t Know but Might Want to Know:
- people who are not my friends that work at x
- people who are not my friends that like x
- people who are not my friends that live in x-city
- people who are not my friends that go to x-school
- people who are not my friends that work at x and live in x-city
- people who are not my friends that work at x and go to x-school
- people who are not my friends that work at x and like x
- people who are not my friends that work at x and visited x
- people who are not my friends that work at x and visited x-city/state
Cara Menemukan Teman Facebook berdasarkan target tertentu
Find Your Friends:
- my friends that work at x
- my friends that like x
- my friends that live in x-city
- my friends that go to x-school
- my friends that work at x and live in x-city
- my friends that work at x and go to x-school
- my friends that work at x and like x
- my friends that work at x and visited x
- my friends that work at x and visited x-city/state
- my friends who work at x
- my friends who like x
- my friends who live in x-city
- my friends who go to x-school
- my friends who work at x and live in x-city
- my friends who work at x and go to x-school
- my friends who work at x and like x
- my friends who work at x and visited x
- my friends who work at x and visited x-city/state
Cara menemukan grup facebook berdasarkan target tertentu
Find a New Group:- groups of people who like x
- groups of people who like x and x
- groups of people who like x and go to x-school
- groups of people who like x and visited x
- groups of people who like x and visited x-city/state
Cara menemukan teman berdasarkan pekerjaan dan target tertentu
Find People By Where they Work:
- people who work at x and like x
- people who work at x and live in x-city/state
- people who work at x and go to x-school
- people who work at x who visited x
- people who work at x who visited x-city/state
- people who work at x and like x and x
- people who work at x and live in x-city/state and visited x
- people who work at x and live in x-city/state and go to x-school
- people who work at x and go to x-school and visited x
- people who work at x and go to x-school and like x
- people who work at x who visited x and live in x-city/state
- people who work at x who visited x and go to x-school
- people who work at x who visited x and like x
- people who work at x who visited x-city/state
Mencari teman facebook berdasarkan apa yang disukai
Discover What People Like
Find Out What People Like:
- favorite interests of x-person
- favorite interests of people who like x
- favorite interests of people who live in x
- favorite interests of people who like x and live nearby
- favorite interests of people who like x and live in x-city/state
- favorite interests of people who like x and visited x
- favorite interests of people who like x and work at x
Cara Menemukan PAGE facebook dengan kriteria tertarget
Find Pages:
- pages liked by people who like x
- pages liked by people who live in x-city/state
- pages liked by people who like x and work at x
- pages liked by people who like x and live in x-city/state
- pages liked by people who like x and go to x-school
- pages liked by people who like x and visited x
- pages liked by people who like x and visited x-city/state
- pages liked by people who live in x-city/state and work at x
- pages liked by people who live in x-city/state and go to x-school
- pages liked by people who live in x-city/state and visited x
- pages liked by people who live in x-city/state and visited x-city/state
- pages liked by people who live in x-city/state and like x
- fans of x and x
- fans of x and x who live in x-city/state
- fans of x and x who go to x-school
- fans of x and x who visited x
- fans of x and x who visited x-city/state
- fans of x and x who work at x
- fans of x and x who like x
OK selamat berkreasi
Oia bacajuga tulisan saya tentang bagaimana caranya menambahkan teman facebook secara otomatis.
Oia bacajuga tulisan saya tentang bagaimana caranya menambahkan teman facebook secara otomatis.
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